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For all Queries, Please refer to official site FAQ section:

We tried to include few specific queries we received since we started this campaign

Q) I have registered and voted in last Local Elections, Now I became the naturalized citizen, Can I update my records online to get eligibility to vote in all types of Elections.

​Unfortunately this change can not be done online, We hope that this process can be done online very soon. Below is the response from the official site (Refer to Nationality section)

If you have changed your nationality it may affect which elections you can vote in. To update your nationality, please download and print the Register to Vote or Update details form (ERF1) on the Forms page of this website.

Printed forms are also available from your local authority. You will also need to provide supporting documentation such as a photocopy of your passport or certificate of naturalisation. You should send your completed application form to your local authority (your city or county council).

Q) I am a student who is pursuing Masters in Trinity college, Dublin. I am aiming to complete my studies and return back to India in 2years time. Am I eligible to register and vote while I am here? 


​Everyone who is living full time in Ireland can register and vote if 18yrs or over. You can register from 16yrs of age but can only vote from 18yrs onwards.. Refer to official site for more info>

Below is the response from the official site (Refer to Nationality section)

  •  You must be living full time in the State to be eligible to vote.

  •  We will ask you for your nationality in your application as this may affect which elections you can vote in.

    •  An Irish citizen- you are eligible to vote in all elections and referendums

    •  An EU citizen- you are eligible to vote in European and local elections

    •  A British citizen- you are eligible to vote in Dáil and local elections

    •  All other- you are eligible to vote in local elections


Q) I am an Indian Citizen, recently moved to Ireland on work permit, Can I register to vote? I don't know the difference between Local Elections and General Elections, Please guide me..


​As stated in above query, Everyone who is living full time in Ireland whether they are on Work permit or on Student Visa or having any other visa status, They can register and vote from age 18yrs.You are eligible to vote in Local Elections.

Please refer to Citizens information site to find types of elections.


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